“Summer Study Hacks: Design Your Best Space and Schedule”

“Summer Study Hacks: Design Your Best Space and Schedule”

Summer is a time for fun and relaxation, but it’s also essential for students to keep up with their academic skills and complete their assigned summer work. It’s also a time to strengthen skills in preparation for the next school year so that any gaps that may exist don’t become canyons.  Setting up a dedicated space and a structured schedule can make this process more enjoyable and productive. Here are some tips to help students stay on track during the summer break while also getting the downtime they need.

     1Designate a Study Space

Having a specific area for study can help students focus and separate their work time from leisure time.

– Choose a Quiet Area: Find a spot away from distractions like the TV or noisy areas of the house. It should be a place where the student feels comfortable but is also conducive to concentrating on their work.  Have them put their phone, iPad, etc., in a separate room while they are completing their work.

– Keep it Organized: A clutter-free environment can help reduce stress and improve focus. Reduce the cognitive energy demand by keeping only necessary items in view so their brain doesn’t need to spend energy filtering out irrelevant information.  Provide necessary supplies like pens, notebooks, and any other materials they might need.  You can create a checklist of items they can complete before sitting down to work.

– Ensure Good Lighting: Proper lighting is important to avoid eye strain. Natural light is best, but a good desk lamp can also do the trick.

– Comfortable Seating: An ergonomic chair and a desk at the right height can make a big difference in maintaining good posture and comfort during study sessions.

     2Create a Study Schedule

A well-structured schedule helps students manage their time efficiently and ensures they complete their summer work without last-minute stress for them and you.

– Set Specific Goals: Break down the summer work into manageable chunks and set specific goals for each week. This makes the task seem less overwhelming and provides a clear roadmap.  Re-evaluate progress towards each goal weekly so that modifications to the plan can be made.

– Establish a Routine: Consistency is key. Set aside a regular time each day or week for study. Morning times are often best as students are usually more alert and can finish their work early, leaving the rest of the day free for other activities.

– Use a Planner: A planner or calendar can help keep track of deadlines and progress. Mark important dates and check off tasks as they are completed to give a sense of accomplishment.

– Balance Work and Play: Ensure the schedule includes time for breaks and fun activities. This helps maintain a healthy balance and keeps students motivated.  The goal is to create successful habits that can be maintained throughout the school year.

     3. Encourage a Positive Attitude

The right mindset can make a big difference in how students approach their summer work.

– Stay Positive and Supportive: Encourage students and praise their efforts. A positive attitude towards their work can make the experience more enjoyable.

– Provide Incentives: Small rewards for completing tasks can be motivating. This could be extra playtime, a special treat, or an outing.

– Be Involved: Show interest in what they are working on. Discussing their work and being available to help can make the process less daunting.

     4. Utilize Resources

Make use of available resources to support learning and make the summer work more engaging.

– Online Tools and Apps: There are many educational websites and apps that can provide additional practice and make learning fun.

– Library Visits: Regular trips to the library can provide a change of scenery and access to a variety of resources.

– Study Groups: If possible, organize study groups with friends or classmates. This can make learning more social and less isolating.

Engage with a Tutor or Coach-Hiring a tutor or a coach can provide a new perspective and reduce stress in your relationship with your child.

By creating a dedicated study space and a structured schedule, and fostering a positive attitude towards summer work, students can stay on track academically while still enjoying their summer break. With the right balance, summer learning can be both productive and enjoyable.

If you would like to discuss a plan for your child, send me a note doreen@thecognitivecoach.net